Acts 29 - The Assyrian Tablets
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The Assyrian Tablets:
The Net has been called the information highway, for good reason. That's all that's on it. Information. Information is power, right? God has ALL the information, that's why He's ALL powerful. Isn't information the thing that we seek constantly, all our lives? We're taking in information every waking minute. Eat, sleep, gather information. And then we die.
You'd think that such an important part of our existance would be treated in a much less cavalier manner, however. You'd think that our first priority in life would be information-proving. No one wants to act on MIS information, do they? It'd be a hell of a life to be acting on any and ALL information that came our way. We don't want to act on information that will not get us to our goal. We strive for accurate information.
We want evidence that substantiates the information we've received. When we've gathered enough evidence, we form a belief. It's our beliefs, that found our actions. Beliefs are what we act on.
The Christain walk depends on a strong belief in God's reality. Christians say that the Bible is God telling them about Himself; what He wants, things He's said and done, things He's said will happen. But unless the Bible can be somehow verified, it's no more than any other book of stories. And being such, the things that can't be verified, like heaven, God's constant Presense, and His provision, can hold no interest.
Our task, then, is to find as much verifiable evidence as possible, to help us act on those UN verifiable concepts. And we can't verifiy the Bible with itself, can we? Just because the same event is prophesied in two different places doesn't make it true. Objective evidence is always best. When we're sure we couldn't have made up something, we have more confidence in it.
Of course, the best places to check prophecy are history and archeology. On another page you find the Behistun Rock; a wonderful tie to the Lost Tribes. More than a century before Darius the Great commisioned Behistun rock, however, the Assyrians were watching their borders. Their enemies the Urartians and the Medes may start gathering an army. The Assyrians wanted to know everthing that was going on with their foes. The border guards, and spies, would send back to the King, reports on the movements and activities occuring in the neighboring countries.
A good king always keeps a library of books and letters, etc. In 1847, Sir Henry Layard, uncovered the Assyrian capitol city of Ninevah. The Royal Palace contained over 23,000 clay tablets with everything from business deals to spy reports from the borders. It is these letters that become the transition point in prophecy fulfillment. Like Behistun Rock, these reports reveal the names used by the Assyrians for the different groups of Israelites they had placed as a buffer state between them and their enemies. With these names in hand we can trace these people and check the prophecies about them.
The "Royal Letters" are dated about 707 BC, only fourteen years after the fall of Samaria, the capitol city of the Kingdom of Israel. Maps showing the deportation and subsequent migrations of the Lost Tribes will show you the geographical locations.
Letters number 1079 and 197 were written by Sennacherib to his father, King Sargon. Letter 1079 tells of a resounding defeat of the army of the Urartians. The troops were slain, and were fleeing. In the followup report of Letter 197 we find that this all happend in the land of Gamir. We still have one more step to go before we confirm that the Isrelites are the ones who live in that land.
In letter 112 it's reported that a people "went forth" from the midst of the Mannai, and into the "land of Urartu." Another Letter clearly separates the Urartians, the Mannai and the Gamera or Ga-me-ra-a-a as distinct from each other. The people named in Letter 112 are those Gamerraan; Cimmerians, in English. In captivity, the Israelites were renamed Gimira and Gamera and finally Cimmerians.
But these aren't ALL, just a smaller part of the total number of Israelites that were deported by the Assyrians. There were many thousands of others laced farther east. As the Persian writings on Behistun Rock show, these people were called by a different name. Among the prayer texts of Esarhaddon to the sun-god Shamash are several that name a people never heard of before in history, the "Iskuza" who evidently lived among the Mannai.
The name Iskuza can be easily deduced from the name "Isaac." The Israelites referred to themselves as House of Isaac before their exile - Amos 7:9,16. This name Isaac is the foundation for the name Scythian. Unlike the Assyrians, who gave the Israelites a name based back in the name of the Israelite King Omri, the Persians used the Israelites own name. History shows that the Iskuza were called "Shuthae" by the Greeks, and "Sacae" [also Saka and Sakka] by the Persians. Herodotus says that the Persians called the Sacae "Scythians." The Word Scythian only means nomad or wanderer, or one who lives in "booths." The word booth in Hebrew is Succoth, or scooth. The connections are obvious.
So, in the Assyrian tablets we are confronted with yet more Hard Evidence that the Israelites are not lost to history. Their names were changed. Why some of those folks have been traced to Japan! ! One of the most common Japanese names is Sakai. And their warriors have a name, Samurai, that is so close to the name of the Israelite capitol, Samaria, that the connection between Israel and Japan is virtually cemented.
In fact, the prophecy in Deuteronomy 33:17 that Israel would "push the people to the ends of the earth," is fulfilled. When one makes the connection between the Israelites and the Phoenicians, and, the Israelites and the Celts/Scythians, it's blantantly evident that the Isralites were the explorers/colonizers of all history. Those guys went everywhere. But that's another twenty subjects.
Here we zero in on the "transitional" names of the Israeites, allowing us to pick up their history, and thereby, reveal tens of prophecies which God has fulfilled. What better demonstration of God's effectiveness, than wielding some 3500 years of history!
Why, it's enough to make someone act in trust of God's Word. Faithe. What an unshakable foundation from which to deal with doubt and adversity. I've looked up and asked, "Are You really there God?" Then He helps me remember the Lost Tribes and His faithfullness to them. I'm tellin' ya, God is Number One.:-)
I thought you'd like to see an image of tablet 112 talked about above. But before you look at it, I have to give a lot of credit for help with this page.
E. Raymond capt is one of my "heroes." He has done wonderful work on many subjects. And I recommend that you visit his website. His book, "Missing Links Discovered in Assyrian Tablets," is a treasure store of Lost Tribes information, containing history, archeology, heraldry, and etimology. Mr. Capt is a scholar and documents well. He has given his life to disseminating God-confirming evidence from various disciplines. He is widely travelled and is himself a trained archeologist. Thank you, Raymond.
You'd think that such an important part of our existance would be treated in a much less cavalier manner, however. You'd think that our first priority in life would be information-proving. No one wants to act on MIS information, do they? It'd be a hell of a life to be acting on any and ALL information that came our way. We don't want to act on information that will not get us to our goal. We strive for accurate information.
We want evidence that substantiates the information we've received. When we've gathered enough evidence, we form a belief. It's our beliefs, that found our actions. Beliefs are what we act on.
The Christain walk depends on a strong belief in God's reality. Christians say that the Bible is God telling them about Himself; what He wants, things He's said and done, things He's said will happen. But unless the Bible can be somehow verified, it's no more than any other book of stories. And being such, the things that can't be verified, like heaven, God's constant Presense, and His provision, can hold no interest.
Our task, then, is to find as much verifiable evidence as possible, to help us act on those UN verifiable concepts. And we can't verifiy the Bible with itself, can we? Just because the same event is prophesied in two different places doesn't make it true. Objective evidence is always best. When we're sure we couldn't have made up something, we have more confidence in it.
Of course, the best places to check prophecy are history and archeology. On another page you find the Behistun Rock; a wonderful tie to the Lost Tribes. More than a century before Darius the Great commisioned Behistun rock, however, the Assyrians were watching their borders. Their enemies the Urartians and the Medes may start gathering an army. The Assyrians wanted to know everthing that was going on with their foes. The border guards, and spies, would send back to the King, reports on the movements and activities occuring in the neighboring countries.
A good king always keeps a library of books and letters, etc. In 1847, Sir Henry Layard, uncovered the Assyrian capitol city of Ninevah. The Royal Palace contained over 23,000 clay tablets with everything from business deals to spy reports from the borders. It is these letters that become the transition point in prophecy fulfillment. Like Behistun Rock, these reports reveal the names used by the Assyrians for the different groups of Israelites they had placed as a buffer state between them and their enemies. With these names in hand we can trace these people and check the prophecies about them.
The "Royal Letters" are dated about 707 BC, only fourteen years after the fall of Samaria, the capitol city of the Kingdom of Israel. Maps showing the deportation and subsequent migrations of the Lost Tribes will show you the geographical locations.
Letters number 1079 and 197 were written by Sennacherib to his father, King Sargon. Letter 1079 tells of a resounding defeat of the army of the Urartians. The troops were slain, and were fleeing. In the followup report of Letter 197 we find that this all happend in the land of Gamir. We still have one more step to go before we confirm that the Isrelites are the ones who live in that land.
In letter 112 it's reported that a people "went forth" from the midst of the Mannai, and into the "land of Urartu." Another Letter clearly separates the Urartians, the Mannai and the Gamera or Ga-me-ra-a-a as distinct from each other. The people named in Letter 112 are those Gamerraan; Cimmerians, in English. In captivity, the Israelites were renamed Gimira and Gamera and finally Cimmerians.
But these aren't ALL, just a smaller part of the total number of Israelites that were deported by the Assyrians. There were many thousands of others laced farther east. As the Persian writings on Behistun Rock show, these people were called by a different name. Among the prayer texts of Esarhaddon to the sun-god Shamash are several that name a people never heard of before in history, the "Iskuza" who evidently lived among the Mannai.
The name Iskuza can be easily deduced from the name "Isaac." The Israelites referred to themselves as House of Isaac before their exile - Amos 7:9,16. This name Isaac is the foundation for the name Scythian. Unlike the Assyrians, who gave the Israelites a name based back in the name of the Israelite King Omri, the Persians used the Israelites own name. History shows that the Iskuza were called "Shuthae" by the Greeks, and "Sacae" [also Saka and Sakka] by the Persians. Herodotus says that the Persians called the Sacae "Scythians." The Word Scythian only means nomad or wanderer, or one who lives in "booths." The word booth in Hebrew is Succoth, or scooth. The connections are obvious.
So, in the Assyrian tablets we are confronted with yet more Hard Evidence that the Israelites are not lost to history. Their names were changed. Why some of those folks have been traced to Japan! ! One of the most common Japanese names is Sakai. And their warriors have a name, Samurai, that is so close to the name of the Israelite capitol, Samaria, that the connection between Israel and Japan is virtually cemented.
In fact, the prophecy in Deuteronomy 33:17 that Israel would "push the people to the ends of the earth," is fulfilled. When one makes the connection between the Israelites and the Phoenicians, and, the Israelites and the Celts/Scythians, it's blantantly evident that the Isralites were the explorers/colonizers of all history. Those guys went everywhere. But that's another twenty subjects.
Here we zero in on the "transitional" names of the Israeites, allowing us to pick up their history, and thereby, reveal tens of prophecies which God has fulfilled. What better demonstration of God's effectiveness, than wielding some 3500 years of history!
Why, it's enough to make someone act in trust of God's Word. Faithe. What an unshakable foundation from which to deal with doubt and adversity. I've looked up and asked, "Are You really there God?" Then He helps me remember the Lost Tribes and His faithfullness to them. I'm tellin' ya, God is Number One.:-)
I thought you'd like to see an image of tablet 112 talked about above. But before you look at it, I have to give a lot of credit for help with this page.
E. Raymond capt is one of my "heroes." He has done wonderful work on many subjects. And I recommend that you visit his website. His book, "Missing Links Discovered in Assyrian Tablets," is a treasure store of Lost Tribes information, containing history, archeology, heraldry, and etimology. Mr. Capt is a scholar and documents well. He has given his life to disseminating God-confirming evidence from various disciplines. He is widely travelled and is himself a trained archeologist. Thank you, Raymond.