Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit
Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit
July 1947
office of A.C. of S., G-2
By authority of: Lt. General John A. Samford, Dir, NSA
Approved by: Allen Dulles, Director, CIA
Date Approved :September 4, 1960
Top Secret
Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit Summary
1. The extraordinary recovery of fallen airborne objects in the state of New Mexico, between 4 July - 6 July 1947: This Summary was prepared by Headquarters Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit, Scientific and Technical Branch, Counterintelligence Directorate, as requested by A.C. of S ., G-2, at the expressed order of Chief of Staff.
2. At 2332 MST, 3 July 47, radar stations in east Texas, and White Sands Proving Ground, N.M., tracked two unidentified, aircraft until both dropped off radar. Two crash sites have been located close to the WSPG. Site LZ-1 was located at a ranch near Corona, approx. 75 miles northwest of the town of Roswell . Site LZ-2 was. l o c a t e d approx. 20 miles southeast of the town of Socorro, at Lat. 33-40-31, Long. 106-28-29, with
3. The AST personnel were mainly interested in LZ-2 as this site contained the majority of structural detail of the craft's airframe, propulsion and navigation technology. The recovery of five bodies in a damaged escape cylinder, precluded an investigation at LZ-1 .
4. On arrival at LZ-2, personnel assessed the finds as not belonging to any aircraft, rocket, weapons, or balloon test that are normally conducted from surrounding bases. First reports indicated that the first crash investigators , from Roswell AAF that LZ-1 was the remains of a AAF top secret MOGUL balloon project. When scientists from the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory arrive* to inspect LZ-2, it became apparent to all concerned that what had crashed in the desert was something out of this world.
5. Interviews with radar operators and officers from the Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories, Fort Monmouth, N.J., ??? were tracking these objects on-and-off since June 29 from Station "A", all indicated that these targets had periodically remained stationary for minutes at a time, then would resume their original course, flying from the southeast to northwest, SCEL antennas had locked onto a flight of three objects on 3 July and lost them around 2330 MST on 4 July (a V-2' was scheduled for launch which is why SCEL Station "A" was able to do a track) It has been learned that at least six radar stations in east Texas (see detailed report in attachment A), and radar stations at Alamogordo AAF and Kirtland AAF, had also picked up these objects on the 4th as well. Using topographical maps and triangularization, a last known position and bearing was calculated which helped search parties to locate the general area. Detachment 3 of the 9393rd Technical Services Unit, assigned to Alamogordo AAF, was responsible for the locating and transportation of the large sections of the craft .
6. A special radiobiological team accompanied by a SED and security detail from Sandia Base under orders from Colonel S. V. Hasbrouck, USA, Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, secured the immediate area surrounding the crash site. Select scientists from
The General Advisory Committee of the Atomic Energy Commission, most notably DR . J . ROBERT OPPENHEIMER, was identified at LZ-2 as well as other members. Among PAPERCLIP specialist identified at LZ-2 were DR. WERNHER VON BRAUN (Fort Bliss); DR. ERNEST STEINHOFF (AMC); and DR. HUBERTUS STRUGHOLD (AEROMEDICAL LAB, RANDOLPH FIELD).
7. Because of the stringent security measures that were in place at both crash sites, the team was not able to gain access to the several locations where wreckage and bodies are being held. CIC member of the team was able to learn that several bodies were taken to the hospital at Roswell AAF and others to either Los Alamos, Wright Field Patterson AAF, and Randolph Field for security reasons. It is believed that this dispersion was on the orders of General Thomas Handy, Fourth Army Hdqrs. Remains of the powerplant were taken to Alamogordo AAF and Kirtland AAF. Structural debris and assorted parts were taken to AMC, Wright Field. Other remains, were transported across the WSPG to the storage facilities of the NRL. All this was accomplished by 1730 MST 7 July.
8. On 7 July, Lt. General Nathan Twining arrived at Alamogordo AAF for a secret meeting with AAF Chief of Staff Spaatz and to view recovered remains of craft from LZ-2 . On 8 July, Twining visited Kirtland AAF to inspect parts recovered from powerplant. On 9 July, Twining and staff flew to WSPG to inspect pieces of craft being stored there and on 10 July, made inspection of R&D facilities at Alamogordo and then returned to Wright Field. It is believed that Twining and staff is preparing a detailed report of both incidents and briefings later to follow. It is also the belief of CIC that General Eisenhower will see a showing of recoveries sometime in late August this year. The President was given a limited briefing at the Pentagon by AC/S AAF General Hoyt Vandenberg on 10 July. FBI interest was curtailed and access to stored craft at Los Alamos was denied upon request of Deputy COS Lt. General Collins. Inquiries to bases involved was restricted by General Vandenberg during the duration of recovery efforts . All teletype , telephone and radio transmissions were monitored for any disclosures of the finds . To maintain secrecy of site LZ-2 , the CO of Roswell AAF was authorised to give a brief pressure lease to local paper i n which 8th AF Hdqrs. promptly denied rumors that the Army had flying saucers in their possession which handled some of the wreckage, or viewed bodies were detained under the McNab law until all remaining evidence was secured in restricted bases. Witnesses were debriefed by CIC and warned of the consequences of talking to the press . So far , secrecy seems to be working.
9. All civilian and military personnel involved with the recovery operations had "need to know"' access with proper security clearances. Though several MPs suffered nervous breakdowns resulting in one committing suicide, MP details from Alamogordo and Kirtland performed security functions very well. Ground personnel from Sandia experienced The status of the fourth technician is unknown. Autopsies are scheduled to determine cause of death. CIC has made appropriate security file entries into dossiers with cross references for future reviews.
10. With the pending approval of JAMES FORRESTAL as new Secretary of Defense, it is certain that he will be briefed on certain aspects of the discoveries . The only Cabinet member to date that may know of the details is Secretary of State Marshall. It has become known to CIC that some of the recovery operation was shared with Representative JOHN F. KENNEDY, Massachusetts Democrat elected to congress in 46. Son of JOSEPH P . KENNEDY, Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government. KENNEDY had limited duty as naval officer assigned to Naval Intelligence during war. It is believed that information was obtained from source in Congress who is close to Secretary for Air Force.
11. As to the bodies recovered at LZ-2, it appeared that none of the five crew members survived entry into our atmosphere due to unknown causes. DR.DETLEV BRONK has been asked to assist in the autopsy of one well preserved cadaver to be done by MAJOR. CHARLES K. REA. From what descriptions the team was able to learn and from photographs taken by intelligence photographers, the occupants appear in most respects human with/some anatomical differences/in the head, eyes, hands and feet They have a slight build about five feet tall, with grayish-pink skin color. They have no hair on their bodies and clothed with a tight fitting flight suit that appears to be fire proof (some of the bodies looked as if they had been burned on head and and hand). Their overall stature reminds, one of young children. It is believed that there were male and female genders present, but was hard to distinguish.
12. The most disturbing aspect of this investigation was there were other bodies found not far from LZ-1 that looked as if they had been dissected as you would A frog. It is not known if army field surgeons had performed exploratory surgery on these bodies. Animal parts were reportedly discovered inside the craft at LZ-2 but this cannot be confirmed. The team has reserved judgement on this issue.
13. Our assessment of this investigation rests on two assumptions: 1) Either this discovery was an elaborate and well orchestrated hoax (maybe by the Russians), or; 2.) Our country has played host to beings from another planet.
14. Until more data can be acquired from other intelligence sources, it is the opinion of the team, that the investigation be expanded to include sources that might elucidate other possibilities not found by contemporary science. It is also recommended that appropriate budgets be allocated to facilitate future assignments that the unit may be called upon to perform. Until further orders, this investigation will continue.