Authority Commensurate With Responsibility 1 - Authority: Five-fold Manifestation
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Authority : Five-fold Manifestation
Ephesians 4:11-13 And he gave some, apostles; some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.
The five-fold ministry is the authority of Jesus Christ in the church. They are extensions of Jesus Christ Himself.
Attitudes projected towards these figures are attitudes projected toward Jesus Christ.
All God's authority is delegated!
The original sin of Satan was treason.
Isaiah 14:12-14 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations. For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most high.
Treason is the crime of a subject attempting in any way to overthrow the government of a country; a breach of fidelity; treachery.
It is no coincidence that the"I wills" of Satan number five, the number of wounds inflicted on Jesus on the cross, also the number of the five-fold ministry.
The English word treason, is derived from the Latin, tradere, to deliver up, to betray. It is the crime of a subject attempting in any way to overthrow the government of a country; a breach of fidelity; treachery. High treason is any crime affecting the safety or dignity of a sovereign or his state. It is punishable by death.
Adam's sin was high treason. He was punished with death.
Every time a thought is given to aging, suffering or death, spare a thought as to what occasioned it, and the ultimate sin of high treason.
Israel's sin was high treason.
1 Samuel 8:7 And the Lord said unto Samuel, Hearken to the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.
In an illustration given by the Lord Je
sus Himself, the attitude of His Father is made very clear.
Luke 19:14,27
Teachings of Alister John Lowe Th.D.,Ph.D.
Issue 27 March, 1995
Authority Commensurate With Responsibility 3
Synonyms and Antonyms for Authority
Latin, ordo, an arranging, order. Methodical arrangement; regularity. Established method or process. Proper state; a law; a command.
Latin, submissus, which means made low, humble. From sub, under and missus, sent. The act of yielding to power or authority. Acknowledgement of inferiority, or dependence. Humble or suppliant behaviour. Resignation.
Latin, sub, under and ordinatus, arranged, set in order. Inferior in nature, rank or importance. Descending in a regular series. One who stands in rank or dignity below another, an inferior person.
French, loyal, from loi, law. Faithful to a prince or superior. True, devoted. A loyalist is a person who adheres to his sovereign, particularly in times of civil commotion.
Latin, ob, towards and audire, to hear. To comply with commands, orders or instructions of a superior: as a parent, a master, or a teacher. To yield submission to.
Anglo Saxon, wicce, a witch. The practices or powers of a witch. Supernatural power, enchantment. A witch is a woman presumed to have supernatural power and knowledge by sup-
posed contact with evil spirits; a sorceress.
French, rebeller, to rebel, to revolt. Latin. rebellare, to rebel, from re, back or again, and bellare, to make war. One who makes war against constituted authorities: one who takes up arms against the authority of a government, to which he owes allegiance: open and avowed resistance to a government by force of arms. In Feudal Law
Law: One who disobeys his lord.
Latin and Greek, a yawning gulf, immense void. The confused mass into which this earth is supposed to have existed prior to it being made a fit habitation for man. Any mixed or confused mass. Confusion; disorder.
Latin, confusus, which means disordered. From con, and fusus, poured out, diffused. To mix or disorder things so that they can not be distinguished: to render indistinct: to perplex. To throw into disorder. To agitate by suprise or shame. Disorder: indisticntness: astonishment: distraction of mind.
Greek, a, without and arche, government: want of government. A state of lawless confusion in a country. An anarchist is one who attempts disorder or confusion in a country.
Latin, iniquitas, uneveness, injustice. From in, not and oequs, even, equal. Characterised by injustice, very unjust, wicked. Injustice, wickedness, marked departure from justice.
Icelandic, lag, order, form, custom, law. From leggia, to lay. Anglo Saxon, lagu, what is laid or fixed, a law. A rule of action imposed by some authority or by the supreme power of a state. A statute. A rule of direction. A settled principle. A rule or axiom of science.
Legal power; rule; influence; credit.
Latin, auctor, an author. From augeo, I increase. One who creates or produces; a first mover; a writer of a book.
French, pouvoir; Old French, pooir;
Italian, potere, power. Ability; capacity; strength; energy; faculty or energy of mind; influence; rule or authority; a sovereign; one invested with rule or authority, usually in the plural; a supernatural being or agent.
Pertaining to or derived from the proper office or authority; done by virtue of authority. One invested with office. Latin, officium, service, duty, from opes, aid, help, and facere, to do. Italian, officio; French, office, office duty. Settled duty; employment; business; a house where commercial men transact their business.
Latin, magister, a master or chief: Italian, maestro; Old French, maitre, a master. A man who has rule or government over others; a lord; a ruler; a chief;
a ruler; a chief; the head of a household; a director; an owner; a possesser; one very skilful in anything; one uncontrolled; a teacher or instructor; an employer; the commander of a merchant ship; an officer in a ship of war under the direction of the captain. To subdue; to conquer; to bring under control; to overcome.
French, contrerolle, the copy of a roll of accounts, from contre, against, and role, a roll. To check by a contra-account; to restrain; to govern; to subject to authority.
Latin, con, and mando, I order. Right, power, or authority over; an order or message with authority; a naval or military force under the authority of a particular officer.
French, contrerolle, the copy of a roll of accounts, from contre, against, and role, a roll. To check by a contra-account; to restrain; to govern; to subject to authority.
Latin, con, and mando, I order. Right, power, or authority over; an order or message with authority; a naval or military force under the authority of a particular officer.
Legal power or authority; the power or right of exercising authority; the district to which any authority extends. Latin, juridicus, relating to the administration of justice. From jus, law, and dico, I pronounce. Pertaining to a judge.
French, juge; Italian, giudice, a judge. From Latin, judex, a judge. The presiding officer in a court of law who awards punishment to offenders; a chief magistrate; one who has skill to decide on the merits or value of. That faculty of the mind which enables a man to ascertain truth by comparing facts and ideas.
Supreme power or authority; territory or district governed by a prince; rule; control. Latin, dominans, ruling or bearing sway, from dominus, a lord. Italian, dominate; French, dominant, dominant, ruling. Having the power or rule; possessing the ascendancy; prevailing.
Latin, regula; Provencal, regla; French, regle, a straight piece of wood. Something established for guidance or direction; government; supreme command; control; a prescribed mode of operation by which certain results may be obtained.
Control; restraint; the exercise of authority; the ruling power in a state; the principle or system under which a state is ruled. French, gouverner; Italian, governare; Latin, gubenare, to direct or govern. To direct and control; to regulate by authority; to command; to have influence or force. To exercise authority; to restrain.
French, juge; Italian, giudice, a judge. From Latin, judex, a judge. The presiding officer in a court of law who awards punishment to offenders; a chief magistrate; one who has skill to decide on the merits or value of. That faculty of the mind which enables a man to ascertain truth by comparing facts and ideas.
Supreme power or authority; territory or district governed by a prince; rule; control. Latin, dominans, ruling or bearing sway, from dominus, a lord. Italian, dominate; French, dominant, dominant, ruling. Having the power or rule; possessing the ascendancy; prevailing.
Latin, regula; Provencal, regla; French, regle, a straight piece of wood. Something established for guidance or direction; government; supreme command; control; a prescribed mode of operation by which certain results may be obtained.
Control; restraint; the exercise of authority; the ruling power in a state; the principle or system under which a state is ruled. French, gouverner; Italian, governare; Latin, gubenare, to direct or govern. To direct and control; to regulate by authority; to command; to have influence or force. To exercise authority; to restrain.
Latin, restringere, to check, to restrain, from re, back, and string, I draw tight. Italian, restringere; French, restreindre. To hold back; to bind fast; to curb; to repress; to limit; to abridge.
French, influence; Italian, influenza, influence, power. Latin, influens, flowing into, from in, into, and fluo, I flow. Authority, sway; power of directing or modifying, seen or felt by its effects. To move or affect by moral force; to lead, or direct. Influential: exerting a directing or modifying power over the minds of men.
Latin, persuadere, to persuade. From per, thoroughly, and suadeo, I advise. Italian, persuadere; French, persuader. To influence by advice or argument; to draw or incline a person by representing powerful motives to the mind; to convince by argument, or entreaty.
Power; controlling influence. Latin, ad; scando, I mount up; scansum, to mount up. Italian, ascendere, to mount; to go up; to rise.
Latin, proevalere, to be very powerful or superior. From proe, before, and valeo, I am strong. Italian, prevalere. French, prevaloir; to be in force; to overcome; to gain the victory or advantage; to have effect, power, or influence; to persuade or induce.
Dutch, zwaayen, to swing, to brandish: Icelandic, sviegja, to bend; Norman, svaga; Danish, svaie, to swing to and fro. To influence by power or force; to have influence; to bear rule; to govern.
Latin, restringere, to check, to restrain, from re, back, and string, I draw tight. Italian, restringere; French, restreindre. To hold back; to bind fast; to curb; to repress; to limit; to abridge.
French, influence; Italian, influenza, influence, power. Latin, influens, flowing into, from in, into, and fluo, I flow. Authority, sway; power of directing or modifying, seen or felt by its effects. To move or affect by moral force; to lead, or direct. Influential: exerting a directing or modifying power over the minds of men.
Latin, persuadere, to persuade. From per, thoroughly, and suadeo, I advise. Italian, persuadere; French, persuader. To influence by advice or argument; to draw or incline a person by representing powerful motives to the mind; to convince by argument, or entreaty.
Power; controlling influence. Latin, ad; scando, I mount up; scansum, to mount up. Italian, ascendere, to mount; to go up; to rise.
Latin, proevalere, to be very powerful or superior. From proe, before, and valeo, I am strong. Italian, prevalere. French, prevaloir; to be in force; to overcome; to gain the victory or advantage; to have effect, power, or influence; to persuade or induce.
Dutch, zwaayen, to swing, to brandish: Icelandic, sviegja, to bend; Norman, svaga; Danish, svaie, to swing to and fro. To influence by power or force; to have influence; to bear rule; to govern.