How to Lead Someone to Christ - The Sinner's Prayer
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Lord Jesus, I thankyou that I have heard your voice speaking to my life today. I confess that I am a sinner. I know that as such I am worthy of death. I thankyou that you took my place. You died for my sin. You paid the penalty for me. I repent of my sin. I turn my back on my old life. I come to You. I open my life to You. I ask You to come in and save me. I receive You as my personal Saviour and Lord. I thankyou for coming into my life now, Lord Jesus. I thankyou that I am born again. I thankyou that I am a new creature. I thankyou that I am passed from death to life. I thankyou for the gift of eternal life. I thankyou when I die I will be with you in heaven, and there I will see You face to face. I pray that other people will see you living in my life. Amen.