Sacrificial Offerings 8 - The Greatest Example of the Burnt Offering
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T he Greatest Example of the Burnt Offering
Some time ago, while reflecting on the burnt offering, my thoughts were directed to the offering of Isaac, the only begotten son, by his father, Abraham, on mount Moriah.
Subsequently, I found myself engaged in the mighty challenge of Elijah to the prophets of Baal.
Seeing the confrontation began at 9.00am, the time of the morning offering, and concluded with the supernatural fire falling at 3.00pm, the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, I proceeded to tell God what a great man he had in Elijah. For some twenty minutes I enthused about the great one. God couldn’t get a word in. As always, He simply waited. He is very good at that.
When my tirade had ceased, when my spirit became still, He spoke.
He simply said, What about Jesus?
You would have thought I would have known. But it had never registered in my spirit.
Jesus was nailed to the cross at 9.00 am, the time of the evening offering, and expired at 3.00pm, the time of the evening offering.
The greatest example of the burnt offering in the word of God is neither the mighty one, Elijah; nor the fine example of Abraham and Isaac; but the offering of the Son of God on Mt Calvary! God bless Him for His sacrifice!