Who Was Forsaken of God? - The Numeric Values of Psalm 22:1
Article Index
he Numeric Values of Psalm 22:1
1410 My God 1 30 10 41 (2)
4100 Why? 30 40 5 75
5800 Have You Forsaken Me 70 7 2 400 50 10 539
5 41 N/F
12 75 5 x 5 x 3
17 539 11 x 7 x 7
21 696 29 x 3 x 2 x 2 x 2
y l a Eli
h m l Lama
y n t b z u Azbtni
b z u aw zab primitive root forsake 5800
Theomatics: [Confirms the Numerics]
yla 41 yla 41 hml 75 yntbzi 539 696
Jesus Was Not Forsaken
The Aramaic word has another meaning other than forsaken. No serious attention need be given this.
Have You Been Forsaken?
Isaiah 54:6 For the LORD <03068> hath called <07121> (8804) thee as a woman <0802> forsaken <05800> (8803) and grieved <06087> (8803) in spirit <07307>, and a wife <0802> of youth <05271>, when thou wast refused <03988> (8735), saith <0559> (8804) thy God <0430>.
Isaiah 54:7 For a small <06996> moment <07281> have I forsaken <05800> (8804) thee; but with great <01419> mercies <07356> will I gather <06908> (8762) thee.
Isaiah 62:4 Thou shalt no more be termed <0559> (8735) Forsaken <05800> (8803); neither shall thy land <0776> any more be termed <0559> (8735) Desolate <08077>: but thou shalt be called <07121> (8735) Hephzibah <02657>, and thy land <0776> Beulah <01166> (8803): for the LORD <03068> delighteth <02654> (8804) in thee, and thy land <0776> shall be married <01166> (8735).
Word Definitions:
1459 egkataleipo eng-kat-al-i’-po from 1722 and 2641; ; v
AV-forsake 7, leave 2; 9
1) abandon, desert
1a) leave in straits, leave helpless
1b) totally abandoned, utterly forsaken
2) to leave behind among, to leave surviving
07662 qbv sh@baq (Aramaic) sheb-ak’ corresponding to the root of 07733, Greek 4518 sabacyani; TWOT-3018; v
AV-leave 4, let alone 1; 5
1) to leave, let alone
1a) (P’al) to leave, let alone
1b) (Ithpael) to be left
07733 qbwv Showbeq sho-bake’ act part from a primitive root meaning to leave (compare 07662); ; n pr m
AV-Shobek 1; 1
Shobek =" free"
1) one of the heads of the people who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah
The Word Jesus, is Encrypted in Psalm 22 15 times.